Saturday, July 11, 2015

So much pun. [Give away]

So if you've read my blog for any amount of time, you know Fortune Cookie Soap is one of my favorite things in the entire world. Yesterday they launched their "pack your bags" mini collection and had three contests where you had the chance to win one of the bags.

I am infamously known for my punny sense of humor. My Mother in law tells me God found my sense of humor on the back of a laffy taffy wrapper. Nevertheless, this is collection is my favorite so far this year, so I dug deep into my pun bank. Here's what I came up with.

AND I WON! So I want to pass on the warm fuzzies. I am doing a give away which will contain the limited edition sea salt spray from the Pack Your Bags collection (in the scent Joy Ride) and a hand sanitizer from the summer collection in the scent "Second Star to the Right." In keeping with the way I won, I want to hear your punniest joke! One entry per person, and only entries commented on this post will be eligible. Winner chosen July 18th, one week from today. So get punny and good luck!

EDIT TO INCLUDE WINNER: Congratulations to Rebecca Smith for winning this contest with the punny joke, "Two cannibals are eating a clown. One says to the other: "Does this taste funny to you?" She has been sent her prize pack, containing a Joyride sea salt spray and a hand sanitizer. 


  1. this is one of my favs ;)
    Two cannibals are eating a clown. One says to the other: "Does this taste funny to you?"

  2. A man got hit in the head with a can of coke. He was lucky it was a soft drink! :)

  3. Never play poker with the world's fastest animal! He's a cheetah!
